Birth is personal — Your care should be too

Karis was instrumental in helping me feel comfortable and informed during each prenatal visit. I especially loved her personal care in each conversation, her holistic recommendations to any undesirable symptom, and how she always brought an element of fun to each visit. I’m so thankful for each interaction I had with Karis! -Kelsey K

Midwifery Services


Midwifery care can begin as soon as your pregnancy test turns positive! The total cost of care includes prenatal visits, labor, birth, postpartum visits through 6 weeks, all required labs, and any medications needed in labor.

$150 + labs

Meet with a midwife to discuss your family planning! This appointment will allow you to better understand your cycle and signs of your fertile window, fine tune your nutrition and exercise goals, and troubleshoot any obstacles in getting or staying pregnant. This appointment will be customized to your specific needs in regards to family planning.


Find out the gender of your baby as early as week 6 of pregnancy with the Sneak Peek Clinical test! Come to my office for a blood draw and receive your results within 2-4 days directly in your email. If you are my client with a signed contract, you can get the Sneak Peek Clinical test at a reduced price of only $99!

Have Babies Where You Make ‘Em

Why Home Birth Makes Sense

If everyone were completely honest, laying on a bed with a spotlight and a room full of strangers is not how anybody would choose to give birth, but it’s something that 98% of women agree to when choosing to give birth in a hospital. It’s not ideal, but it’s part of the protocol. The beautiful thing about having a baby at home is that YOU are in charge! You can have a baby in your bed, in a birth pool, in your bathroom or living room, even in your backyard (if that’s your thing)! When I arrive at your home during your labor, it’s your job to work through contractions and go where you feel safe and comfortable. It’s my job to follow you around and listen to your baby, being ready to get in any position necessary in order to catch the baby you birth. You and I are a team!

Contact Karis

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly!